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Study Permit Renewal or Study Permit Extension

Updated: Jun 2, 2023

There is a difference between Study Permit Renewal or Study Permit Extension.

Renewing a study permit refers to applying for a new one before the expiration of the current one. This is typically done when the individual intends to continue their studies beyond the expiration date of the current permit.

Extending a study permit refers to the process of requesting an extension of the validity period of the current study permit. This is typically done when the individual needs more time to complete their studies or if there is a delay in their program of study.

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Both renewing and extending a study permit require the individual to provide evidence that they are still meeting the requirements to hold a study permit, such as being enrolled in a designated learning institution and having sufficient funds to support themselves.

In both cases, it is important to apply before the expiration date of the current permit to avoid any interruption in your studies and to avoid any penalties. It is also recommended to use the services of a professional consultant to help you through the process and ensure that all necessary documents are in order.

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